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Dreambox Air Control – Desktop

DAC is based on Adobe AIR. This enables Flash applications or apps to run as a local application on a PC. There is no need for more browsers. The results show significant performance gains, and allows a greater scope for creative design possibilities. The web interface plugin is still needed on the Dreambox. This is the communication interface to the DAC ago. It supports all Dreamboxes with Enigma2.

Version 1.2 and live streams or images can have preferential Media Player (bsplw. VLC, Windows Media Player, etc.) for streaming. Possible by the process native support for Adobe Air 2 Other media formats such as mp3, avi, ts, mp2, divx no problem.

Note for Mac OS users. Please use the media player settings with the full path to the VLC player.
For example: / Users / username / Applications / VLC.app / Contents / MacOS / VLC

Pre-requirements for the use of DAC:

* The Web Interface must be installed on the Dreambox. (By default, in many images available)
* Adobe Air 2 (Download Adobe).

After installation, double click on the 'Dreambox Air Control' application.
NEW Stream Mediafiles (mp3, avi, ts, mp2, divx) over http to your PC (DAC).
Play this files with your favorit Player (my favorit VLC). See the Setings
Menu. The default Mediapath is /media/hdd/ (you can change this in settings menu).

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Konu: / Yazar Cevaplar: Gösterim: Son Mesaj

Bu konuyu görüntüleyen kullanıcı(lar): 2 Ziyaretçi