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Windows XP SP4 Unofficial Beta3

Windows XP için en son servis paketi olan Service Pack 3, 2008 yılında yayınlandı. Microsoft dışından bir geliştirici tarafından hazırlanan SP4, şimdiye kadarki tüm resmi Microsoft güncellemelerini içeriyor. Microsoft, 2008'de çıkardığı SP3'ten sonra SP4 paketi ise SP3'ten sonra çıkan yamaları da içerisinde barındırıyor.

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Bu gayri resmi yama Windows XP'nin bir parçası olmayan güvenlik yamalarını da içeriyor. Mayıs ayında bir kayıt defteri numarası yoluyla güncellemeleri almaya devam edilebileceği anlaşılan bir açık keşfedilmişti. Ancak Microsoft, bu yamaların para çekme makinelerindeki Windows XP'ye (Windows Embedded) göre olduğunu ve tam korunma sunmayabileceğini söylemiş ve yüklenmesini tavsiye etmemişti. Service Pack 4 ise bu hileyi varsayılan olarak etkinleştiriyor ve bugüne kadar ki tüm onarımları sunuyor.

Yükleyip risk almak, sizin tercihinize kalmış. Yamayla birlikte.NET framework versiyon 1.0 den 4.0'e yükseliyor (.NET 3.5 için DirectX yönetim kodları dahil), MSXML40 SP3, Adobe Flash Player (May 2014'e kadar olan), Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player 11, XPS Viewer EP, IMAPIv2, Remote Desktop Connection Client 7.0, Windows Search 4.0, Windows Rights Management Client, Windows Installer 4.5, QFECheck aracı (fix doğrulma aracı) ve Kasım 2013 Root sertifikaları.

Alıntı: An unofficial service pack for 32-bit editions of Windows XP, allowing users to benefit from the latest available updates for their computer

Microsoft has ended the official support for Windows XP for a while now, which means that there are no more official security updates for users of the XP operating system and technical support is not provided anymore. Thus, computers that are still stuck with this late OS version can become vulnerable to malicious attacks.

Windows XP SP4 Unofficial comes to the rescue, providing XP users with the latest official XP updates alongside up-to-date components up to May 2014, also including POSReady updates.

The package is compatible with 32-bit versions of Windows XP, with SP1 installed and it can be deployed on an installation media. Please be advised that this package is not released by Microsoft, who does not recommend computer users to install it.

The Windows XP SP4 Unofficial installer is dedicated to Windows XP users who are not able, cannot afford or do not want to migrate to a newer Windows edition. It provides a convenient and quick way to update system components, so as to increase the PC's security and remove possible vulnerabilities, although it does not guarantee complete protection.

The package integrates .NET framework versions from 1.0 to 4.0 (including DirectX for Managed code in .NET 3.5), MSXML40 SP3, Adobe Flash Player (updated until May 2014), Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player 11, XPS Viewer EP, IMAPIv2, Remote Desktop Connection Client 7.0, Windows Search 4.0, Windows Rights Management Client, Windows Installer 4.5, the QFECheck tool (which you can use to verify that the hotfixes were correctly installed) and November 2013 Revoked roots and Root cerificates.

Furthermore, it encases the WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) technology to validate your OS license, Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0, as well as updates for exFat, DirectX 9.0c and WebDAV for Office 12 (Rosebud).

Please note that Windows XP SP4 Unofficial does not include Windows Powershell, which can be manually installed once .NET 3.5 is available on your system.

Download Windows XP SP4 Unofficial Beta 3

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