decoder yazınca yanılıyorsunuz. özellikleri aşağıda.
PCI Express Video and Broadcast Audio Decoder: Conexant CX23885
* PCI Express 1.0a/1.1 compliant bus
* Worldwide audio and video decoding
* Automatic video and broadcast audio standard detection and configuration
* Flexible video input mux supporting composite, S-Video, and component inputs with integrated anti-alias filtering
* Integrated sigma-delta stereo audio ADCs with 4:2 mux
* Audio sample rate converters on all inputs and outputs
* Two MPEG transport stream ports—parallel and serial
* Two I2C master ports
* Macrovision 1.0 detection compliant
* Programmable VBI data slicer for data services such as closed caption, WSS, and program guides
* Infrared transmitter and receiver logic
* Auxiliary/Audio Phase Locked Loop (PLL) clock for general use
* Supports MPEG-2 encoding when used with CX23417
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yani diğerlerinden farkı yok ne var pci arabirimi dolayısıyla biraz daha hızlı ve net görüntü elde edersin. 16bit decoder çünkü.